Wednesday, May 2, 2012


The option button on snacks and snacking got stuck in the OFF position when we went gluten free.  I say 'we' and I feel like an ass.   Because for me it IS an option.  For Libby, not so much!

They are always 'starving' when i pick them up at 3:00 and my stomach is always in knots.  I feel it coming at about 2:40.  The uneasiness and slight panic.  Then the anger at the overall inconvenience and then just the ever so slight sadness that creeps in at the very end.   Because now we must bypass our pre-celiac after school haunts... Con Pane, Bread & Cie and Bronx Pizza.  No more fish tacos at El Zarape or egg rolls from Saffron.  We now pass them by at breakneck speed because I mommy-hope that she won't notice.  She does of course.  And only sometimes now, she is sad and says how unfair it all is.  I drive faster.   

The option of course is to BYOS (bring your own snacks) for the car ride home, or on the way to ballet, or to Girls On The Run.  You can hear the groans, and if you look in the rearview really fast, see the eye rolls ~ BIG fan of those! ~  when I hand them that oh-so exciting bag of Glutino pretzels.  An apple... oh yay!   Rice cakes with almond butter...again?  Wow!  Ice cream?  Well okay but I have to check every last ingredient on the not so complete allergy-card they have.  Oh yeah, and I’ll have to be sure the 16 year old working behind the counter understands that they have to wash their hands BEFORE serving my daughter the sample.  Oh and clean scoops.  Must have clean scoops.  Oh but wait there’s more!  I’ll need you to mix that ice cream on a clean try as well.  Oh look, the 16 year old is super good at eye rolls too!

To end this on a more upbeat note ~ there are options and maybe not everyday, but every so often, we come across one more to add to our growing list.  I will put together a list of what we have found so far and would love to hear from you as to your GF options!

1 comment:

  1. I forget how easy it is to feed my kids until I think of you and Libby. I wish there was a little vitamin pill to offer her to make gluten-free a thing of the past - not yet. But with Mamas like you fighting the fight, maybe they'll be one soon.
